Hair Shears and Trimming Ends for Growth

Hey Again. No the Braiding video isn’t up…I have to find a suitable camera to film it. I’m going to keep bringing it up, so that you all know that I haven’t forgot…and that it’s coming.




Oh my goodness am I super excited for this! And why? Why did you buy the shears? I’lll get to that.

Utopia Care 5.5

Utopia Care 5.5″ Hair Shears

Quick healthy hair lesson:

What some of us may or may not know is that split ends are detrimental to hair growth. Split ends are a sign of damaged hair. This is caused by things as simple as daily hair styling, over-processing your hair with chemicals such as bleaching, or putting significantly high levels of heat on your hair strands.

This is why you’d hear hair dressers say things like: “If you cut your hair, it’ll grow.” Which in theory is true but logistically doesn’t make sense. Your hair grows from your scalp, not your ends. So obviously cutting off your ends doesn’t make your hair look longer, it’ll look shorter!  Huh? So what the hell do they mean then???

Since your ends are damaged, that split in your hair will travel up the hair shaft, making it look weak and thin as it’s breaking off your hair. This is part of what you see in your hair brush and combs when your hair sheds.  If you don’t cut them off, your hair will go through this vicious cycle where it’ll keep growing from the root but break off at the ends. So it grows a little and then breaks a little, grows a little and breaks a little. This gives the illusion that your hair is not growing at all. But it is.  Having them cut off will eliminate the split from traveling up the shaft. SO you’ll retain more length. So when it grows…no breakage at the end because the hair is not splitting.

So back to my shears purchase:
Purchasing these shears is one step closer to ensuring that my hair is retaining length which is why my hair shears so exciting. Because…for the past two years since I’ve been on this hair journey, I have only gotten my hair to a certain length…and it stops. TODAY. Usually when I go back to school. I have no one to trim my hair. And you can’t cut your hair with paper scissors because those aren’t designed to cut the hair shaft properly.  So uhn-uh! So I bought some for myself and I’m super duper excited..because my hair might grow now. I’ve got EVERYTHING I need to keep my hair in good condition through school until I go back home for break. And we’ll see….we’ll see some growth this time. If you read my last post about me not having the right hair care products to make sure my hair is okay you’ll understand my frustrations and the ‘yo-yo-ing’ pattern of my hair growth.

So let’s go! It’s gon’ grow. Uh-huh. Oh yeah. I’m not backing down. No more “Black-girls-hair-doesn’t-grow shit! (That’s a real-life negative stigma that is commonly said about black women’s hair and one that heard throughout my life!) But not today! Mmmhmm. Watch me! My hair gon’ retain some length!

Here we go.

I’ll post some pictures of the mini twists I’ve placed into my hair Later.

Until then…


2 thoughts on “Hair Shears and Trimming Ends for Growth

  1. Bonita Starkey says:

    Black Gals can grow hair if we don’t fry, dye, and over process it. We have dry hair naturally and these processes (blow drying, chemicals, curling and flat irons)dry it even more causing breakage. CONDITIONING IS A NECESSITY it is not optional.
    You can color, relax, or use heat styling tools. Just not at the same time. If you color don’t flat iron , roller set or air dry instead. 15 years ago I gave up styling tools, began roller setting, and apply a mild perm 4 times a year. It totally charged the health and texture of my tresses. Besides the occasional bad cut, I keep 16 inches.
    I suggest reading HEALTHY BLACK HAIR, by Nicole E Smith. It is an excellent source. She recommends a lot of products, vitamins, and practices that I have tried and endorse myself.

  2. William Scot says:

    I am glad to visit here and got an interesting knowledge from here about hair shears and trimming ends for growth. I like to use these shears for my hair. Thanks for sharing this information.

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